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Mehar Baba Prize competition focused on the development of a Decentralized Collaborative Swarm solution for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR), and Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR).

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-19 at 16.44.37.jpg

Drone Light Show

Developed an add-on for Blender to design 3D objects in the sky using drones and generated collision-free trajectories that could easily be passed on to the drones as coordinates

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Precision landing of an unmanned aircraft on a moving aerostat was efficiently simulated and implemented, including an arresting mechanism for the exchange of batteries

Screenshot from 2023-02-21 11-11-25.png

Indoor Navigation

 Developed an optimised non-linear controller for aggressive tracking of desired trajectories in a given 3D environment with obstacles and reach the destination from the UAVs initial position, with intermediate waypoints


Human Action Recognition

Developed a novel 3D CNN architecture, E3D using EfficientNet B0 by scaling up the 2D ConvNet to 3D ones for Spacio-temporal features extraction to recognise the real-time human actions


Multi Object Detection and Grasping 

Implemented grasping and object pick and place operations on a 5 DOF robotic arm using a single monocular camera for depth calculation.

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